Between the Sundays Blog

The Single Most Important Question To Ask When Life Is Hard


There is no debating the fact that life can be hard. We all go through the ups and downs on the rollercoaster of life. The problem is that many people have no idea how to respond during those trials. As a result, their attitude and effectiveness during life becomes completely dictated by circumstances. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There is a question you can ask in the midst of those hard times that can completely change how you view the trials you are facing.

Here is the question: What Does God Want Me To Learn From This?
Asking this simple question completely changes our perspective when facing the challenges of life. Here are a few of the benefits. 

1- It helps you remember that God is in control.

If you are a Christian you probably know this is true, but it is easy to forget when you are in the middle of a storm. Romans 8:28 says that God works all things together for our good. The only way this promise is true is if God is in control of all things, including trials, at all times.

2- It changes how you tell others about what you are facing.

You will no longer share your struggles hoping for some form of surface sympathy. You will now view your struggles as a way to share what God is doing in your life. Your experiences will become a God-given tool to point others to Him.

3- It takes your eyes off of the problem and places them on God.

There is nothing worse than seeing someone wallowing in self-pity. But that is what happens when we focus on the problem instead of God. Everything in life should drive us to the feet of the Creator and Sustainer of life. Asking this question helps us to focus on God and not the problem.

4- It changes your focus from “Why?” to “What?”

The question is no longer “Why is this happening?”, it is now “What is God teaching?”. It is a reminder that God always has a purpose – even when we don’t see it immediately. Our job is to get on board with what God wants to do in our lives.

The next time you are facing the hard times of life, pause, take a deep breath, and ask, “What does God want me to learn from this?”. It really will make a difference.

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